Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Frohe Weihnachten nach Finnland! - Merry Christmas to Finland!

Dear friends in Mäntsälä,

Please enjoy our little musical Christmas surprise! Students from class 6b sing a very traditional German Christmas carol: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.

Have you recognized our carol? Yes, of course you have: It's "Silent Night"!

There are several Christmas traditions at our school, too:

- There's an Advent wreath in the cafeteria and other parts of our school are also decorated with Christmas decoration.

- The Music Department organizes a Christmas concert every year. We have various choirs and orchestras at our school and they all perform at the concert. The concert is in the evening, so parents and other people interested in it can attend.

- On the last day before the Christmas holidays, there is usually a church service for us in a church close by. The service is planned, organized and held by students and RE teachers from our school and the parish's priest.

- Every Monday in December we have the opportunity to sing Christmas carols during the first break (9.20-9.40). Every student who would like to do that can go to the assembly hall where a teacher plays the piano and sings carols with them.

Frohe Weihnachten! - Hyvää joulua! - Merry Christmas!

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